Packing Tips to Make Your Move Easier

30 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog


If you are planning to move into a new home, you may feel overwhelmed by the thought of having to pack up all of your belongings. A local mover can help you pack, but you may still want to handle some of the work yourself. Here are a few measures that you can take while packing your items to make your move easier.

Prepare a Suitcase With Daily Essentials

Once your move is complete, you may be left with a number of boxes in the middle of the floor. Even if you are not a procrastinator, you may not have the time in the first few days following the move to unpack every single thing. Thus, it can be helpful to have isolated the items that you will need on a daily basis so that you don't have to search through boxes each morning. Some of your essential items may include a few changes of clothes, pajamas, toiletries, phone chargers, makeup, and your tablet or laptop. These items can help you start your day as you usually would even if many of your belongings aren't readily accessible.

Prepare a Box of the Items You Will Need on Moving Day

On the day of your move, it may be difficult to access items you may need immediately to cook, eat, and organize your space. Be sure to pack necessities, such as plasticware, cookware, and paper plates in a separate box. You may also want to include the tools that you may need to reassemble your furnishings and hang pictures. Additionally, don't forget personal care items, such as toilet tissue and hand sanitizer. To easily identify your box of moving day necessities. mark it with a red marker or tape. Try to load it last on moving day so that it isn't lost among the other boxes. 

List the Room Name Where the Items Belong on the Boxes

By labeling and grouping boxes by their designated room, you can significantly increase the organization of your move. Movers won't have to guess where a box should be placed in your new home. The items that belong in the kitchen, bedroom, or family room will be clearly labeled. Additionally, as you unpack, you can easily put items in their desired locations without having to move boxes from room to room.

If you are planning to move to a new home, schedule a consultation with a local moving service in your local area.